Hey and welcome to issue 18 👋

Welcome, June. It finally feels like the summer is near. I just love warm and nice weather, spending some time outside in nature and just enjoying it. Recently a lot of stuff is happening altogether. On Monday 3rd June I will dive right into my job, I am so excited. At the end of June, I will finally make my bachelor’s degree in Information design. I cannot believe three years are already over. June 2019 marks a huge new step in my life and I am ready for it. 😊

If you have recommendations or feedback, drop me a mail or a tweet. For now, enjoy the newsletter! 😊🙌

Apps, Tools, Software

TabNote 2.0 →

TabNote is a Chrome extension that can help you take notes quickly and without any fuss. While it tends to keep things simple, TabNote also allows you to personalize your writing space by letting you change the font family, font size, color, and background color.

Flotato →

Break free from the browser. Flotato turns itself into any app, just by giving it a new name. It's like phone web apps for desktops; compact, light-weight, unbelievably fast.

Muzli Search →

We’re excited to introduce Muzli Search, the newest way to discover eye-catching imagery and ideas, all in one place.

Presto →

Create intuitive how-to guides that quickly resolve customer support tickets. Easily organize a series of screenshots and video walk throughs that you can instantly share with your customers.


Goods & Gadgets

Moment Bags →

Moment is expanding the breadth of its product line today with the launch of a new series of bags and wallet cases for phones that can mount Moment lenses. The new bags join Moment’s line of soft goods.

Moment Bags →

Little Boxes are simple tools for a simple problem. I love wireless audio as much as anyone, but I don’t always love juggling multiple devices, pairing, re-pairing… etc. Now, just flip a switch and have your audio instantly work as expected, every time.

New Resource

Webframe →

Browse >800 web app screenshots for free! Get inspired on your next design, app or project! Organized into categories, retina quality (with scroll), screenshots from behind paywall/signup, save your favourite.

Read On

→ Navigating workplaces that are not design-first  – "Designers, picture this! You get to work on a new project. You’re collaborating with your PM on defining requirements from a design perspective. You’re working with UX researchers on their user interviews. You have data at your fingertips to validate qualitative problems."

→ "About Us" Information on Websites  – "Whether users seek company information in a B2B (business–to–business) or B2C (business–to–consumer) context, effectively explaining a company’s purpose and what it stands for is important for users and helps the business maintain its reputation."

→ What happens to our online identities when we die?  – "By 2100 there could be 4.9bn dead users on Facebook. So who controls our digital legacy after we have gone? As Black Mirror returns, we delve into the issue."

→ Innovation = Conversation + Doing – "What should we be doing to be increase innovation? It is a very common question from clients. It’s not unreasonable, since the chatter around innovation is that it is the magic bullet to success and growth."


Typeface of the week

Published by Rosetta Type, Adapter packs a wide range of weights, italics, and text and display variants into a single lightweight font file that supports Cyrillic, Greek, and Latin – with Arabic and Hebrew coming later this year. Also, to illustrate its potential, David Březina created a poster – automating its drawing using Adapter’s variable font and Python/Drawbot script.

Till next time! 👋

Support: You have a friend who is looking for inspiration, news about design, and useful tools and apps? Forward this newsletter to a friend or simply share this issue and show some support.

Some of the links in my newsletter and my blog posts are affiliate links. Those links are marked by an asterisk. "*". If you buy something through the link, the product will not cost you anything more, but I will receive a small commission which not only supports Creativerly and my work, but also helps me to keep this publication a sustainable side-project.