My name is Philipp and you are reading Creativerly, the weekly digest about creativity and productivity-boosting tools and resources, combined with useful insights, articles, and findings from the fields of design and tech. The newsletter built for the creative community.

Hey and welcome to Creativerly 265 👋

The essay I prepared for this week is one that I haven't planned to write in first the place. The past week progressed and I was almost done with the newsletter. The only thing missing was the actual essay. As I had not ideas for what I should write about, I got back to the routine I followed when I was regularly featuring and writing about apps in Creativerly, which was browsing through Product Hunt. I knew that Product Hunt has not been featuring the quality as of recently as it used to a couple years ago, however, I was baffled when I found out how low-quality and almost scammy the majority of the product felt that launched on the site.

What once was a thriving community of creative folks and tech enthusiast became a safe heaven for mediocre AI-powered apps. I asked myself what has happened to Product Hunt, and while doing so, I suddenly generated the idea for this week's post, a snapshot of the fall of Product Hunt.

What happened to Product Hunt?

A couple years ago, I enjoyed browsing through Product Hunt every single day. It quickly became one of the most important sources for Creativerly to discover new and upcoming digital products and apps to feature and write about within the newsletter. The comment sections underneath the hunted apps were vibrant places to engage with the founders and creators of those apps, but also discuss any kind of features and functionalities with fellow app enthusiasts. This was the Product Hunt I enjoyed using, the Product Hunt I visited every single day, and what became part of my content consumption.

However, this version of Product Hunt no longer exists. What used to be a source of quality apps, sites, and resources, became a place to post lousy, low-grade, mediocre, and shabby AI-powered tools. The comment sections are flooded with bot-like discussions, there are launches which are gearing up hundreds of upvotes, but then you check those upvotes and suddenly loads of them are completely new Product Hunt accounts, and overall it is far from what it has been a couple years ago. Besides that, Product Hunt hosts questionable and controversial launches of products like Ask Top G which is a ChatGPT bot to ask questions and get daily advice from Andrew Tate, who is an American-British social media personality, who shares sexist, narcissistic, misogynic, and racist "advise" online, and has been charged with rape, human trafficking, and forming an organised crime group to sexually exploit women. As a site, which praises itself to be the best place to discover the best new products in tech, hosting such a ChatGPT bot feels just awfully wrong, however, at the same time it perfectly describes what Product Hunt became.

Screenshot of "Ask Top G" Product Hunt page
The ChatGPT-powered Telegram bot giving advice from a disgusting human being

Thankfully, this useless chat bot only received 16 upvotes (which are still 16 upvotes too much), but using sentences like "This innovative and interactive chatbot is designed to provide you with personalized advice, motivation, and inspiration at your fingertips" in conjunction with a product that praises Andrew Tate has nothing to with what Product Hunt stands for. While the Product Hunt page for Ask Top G is still live and can be found via the search, the link to its Gumroad page is gone and returns a 404 (could it be that Gumroad moderation took it down?).

While its global community of tech enthusiasts might still be there, it does not feel as engaging as it used to be. Product Hunt is full of lousy and low-quality products. As an example, on Saturday March 16th, I browsed through all the products that have launched on that day, 28 in total, and 14 of them where related or put AI first. Among them a tool called Build Lead Gen which lets you use AI to create ebooks which you can then use in lead generation to capture emails and contact details. They offer a free plan to create one ebook completely for free. For $39 per month, you can create unlimited ebooks. You know what I call it if someone creates unlimited ebooks with the help of AI to collect and capture emails and contact details? A scam. In the comments section of the Product Hunt page, Richard Green, the founder and creator of Build Lead Gen, received heartwarming and motivational comments like "Wow..nice", "Cheers for the launch", or "great product team Build Lead Gen". Ah yes, this has to be the thriving community of tech enthusiasts Product Hunt has been talking about.

Screenshot of "Build Lead Gen" website
Let us flood the internet with unlimited ebooks to capture personal contact information

Besides that, you will also find a password manager called SafeKey, which is available for macOS, iOS, iPadOS, and visionOS. It has received 25 upvotes as of writing this, in the comment section you find the exact same folks, writing the exact same comments as for Build Lead Gen. People are embracing the app as "great product" and congratulate the maker with words like "well done". However, if you head to the website of SafeKey, you will get literally zero information about who is actually building this product. The funniest thing: SafeKey's privacy statement on the website consists of a single line of text saying "We don't collect any information about you". Oh how glad I am, that means I will definitely trust you and your company with all my passwords and accounts information. Two real persons on the Product Hunt page of SafeKey pointed out those privacy issues, but as of writing this, no reaction at all from the maker to address those concerns. Again, Product Hunt is the home for the best new tech products, right?

Screenshot of "SafeKey" privacy statement on their website
The shortest privacy statement you have ever seen

To be fair, not all products posted on Product Hunt nowadays are lousy, scammy, or low-quality. Among the majority of mediocre AI-powered apps, you also find recent launches by Superlist, Layers, Heyday, or AFFiNE, which are all raking up upvotes and comments, quality comments. One reason for that is pretty obvious: those apps and sites are high quality and often times already established. Besides that, I can see another reason why those launches do better and turn Product Hunt into the place it used to be, and that is the fact that those apps, sites, and resources, bring their own communities to Product Hunt as part of their launches. They send out emails to huge email lists, post to all kinds of social networks, and inform their followers that they are live on Product Hunt. The comment section then is full of people who are genuinely excited about and interested in the app or resource.

Nowadays, it feels like those are the exemptions though. Most of the products that are launching on Product Hunt are not even worth a single click. Funnily enough, according to similarweb or Semrush, Product Hunt still generates around 4m visits every single month. Therefore, we can assume that Product Hunt generates quite the traffic if you launch your product there. Which makes it even more questionable that as of recently it gets flooded with mediocre and even scammy products on a daily basis.

It is sad to see what happened to Product Hunt. Once a thriving community of creative folks and tech enthusiast, it became yet another dark place on the internet.

What happened to Product Hunt?
From being a global community of tech enthusiasts to hosting lousy, low-grade, and shabby AI-powered tools like a ChatGPT bot to get advice from a sexist, narcissistic, misogynic social media personality. This is the fall of Product Hunt.

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Discover the future of photography.

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Use Luminar Neo on Windows, macOS, or as a plugin for Photoshop and Lightroom.

This is an affiliate link to support Creativerly. If you are interested in putting your tool, product, or resource in front of over 2000 creative minds, consider advertising in Creativerly and book a sponsor or classified ad spot. Find all the important information at

Fresh Updates & News

Buttondown* →

Buttondown keeps on improving and becoming a more exciting and powerful newsletter tool. The newest update from February brought some awesome improvements for tthe analytics engine. The weekly report contains way more metrics, you can subscribe to a monthly report, performance has been drastically improved, and the overall layout and design has been polished to reflect a cleaner and more accessible interface.

Besides that, Buttondown now automatically organizes tags in a key:value syntax, subscribers can now tag themselves as the functionality of the default subscription form got expanded, you can now use subscriber IDs as template variables, and you can filter subscribers by any coupons that you have applied to them.


It is a fallacy that Adobe products are entitled as "industry standard" within the creative field of design, illustration, layout, photo editing, etc. For years, Adobe has been offering complex, half-baked software for horrendous subscription prices. If you wanted to leave the Adobe ecosystem for a while, use Affinity's spring sale as an opportunity to execute this thought. Affinity offers a full fledged creative suite with Designer (an Adobe Illustrator alternative), Photo (an Adope Photoshop alternative), and Publisher (an Adobe InDesign alternative). It award-winning photo editing, graphic design, and page layout software for macOS, Windows, and iPadOS is currently on sale.

All of Affinity's tools are available through a single time purchase, no subscription, just a one-time payment. Through the spring sale, you can get each Affinity tool for €51.99, for the macOS and Windows version, discounted from €74.99, while the iPad version will cost you €13.99, discounted from €19.99. The Affinity V2 Universal Licence which gives you access to Affinity Designer 2, Affinity Photo 2, and Affinity Publisher 2 for all platforms (you get macOS, Windows, and iPad with a single purchase) is available for €125.99, discounted from €179.99.

I am using the whole Affinity suite since a couple of years, cancelled my Adobe subscription, and have never looked back since then. The Affinity apps are powerful, beautifully designed, and a joy to use.

Netlify Raycast Extension

If you are both a user of Netlify and Raycast, the new Netlify Raycast extension might be of interet to you. Netlify's official Raycast extension utilizes its own APIs to provide a number of helpful tools for people building for the web with Netlify. The extension gives you direct and quick access to the Netlify docs, it lets you explore sites and deploy resources, you can use it fo locate your Netlify projects on your local machine, review team actions, and a lot more.

Mental Wealth

A guide to starting your mental health journey – “I wanted to start seeing a therapist long before I finally did. For many years, my biggest obstacle was a near-total lack of free time, then a lack of insurance coverage for mental health care, then a range of positions that made seeking mental health care a professional liability. Even once I finally had a job with decent benefits and a list of therapists recommended by trusted friends, it took months to overcome another big obstacle to picking up the phone: my fear that during my first conversation with a prospective provider, I’d end up crying on the phone to a stranger."

Rethinking the startup MVP: Building a competitive product – “The minimum viable product, as many founders know it, doesn't reflect the reality of how products get built today. Building something valuable is no longer about validating a novel idea as fast as possible. Instead, the modern MVP exercise is about building a version of an idea that is different from and better than what exists today. Most of us aren’t building for a net-new market. Rather, we’re finding opportunities to improve existing categories. We need an MVP concept that helps founders and product leaders iterate on their early ideas to compete in an existing market.”

The Curiosity Conflict: Why we Struggle to Shift from Exploration to Exploitation – “Do you always find yourself excited by new ideas and projects? Being naturally curious, you enjoy learning, discovering new insights, and developing your skills. Your curiosity is one of your greatest strengths, driving you to explore and grow.”

Thinking In 3D: A Better Way To Solve Complex Problems – “The scientific word for 3D thinking is spatial visualization. Spatial visualization is the ability to rotate, maneuver, and disassemble two and three-dimensional objects in your head. You interact with objects with your working memory to see how they look from all sides and potentially figure out how they were assembled.”

Do not miss out on this ...

❉ Experience the ultimate vector editor for macOS, iOS, and iPadOS. Get started with Amadine*.

❉ Think tasks, not apps. Setapp* is you one-stop subscription to solving every task on Mac and iPhone.

❉ Fathom is cookie-free, GDPR compliant, privacy-first website analytics software. Get $10 off your first invoice and a 7-day free trial when you use this link*.

These are paid promotions or affiliate links to support Creativerly. If you are interested in putting your tool, product, or resource in front of over 2000 creative minds, consider advertising in Creativerly and book a sponsor or classified ad spot. Find all the important information at



When people get into note-taking and knowledge management, they often get faced with loads of people praising specific systems you need to use to make the most out of your notes. While some of those systems actually work for some people, to get started, there is no need to worry about your note-taking system, since the most important thing is not the system, but rather getting started and capture what is important to you. In my post You do not need to worry about your note-taking system, I share insights why a note-taking system should not be the initial motivation to start taking notes, journaling, and building a knowledge base.

❯ Quick Bits

Till next time! 👋‌‌‌‌

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Some of the links in my newsletter and my blog posts are affiliate links. Those links are marked by an asterisk. If you buy something through the link, the product will not cost you anything more, but I will receive a small commission which not only supports Creativerly and my work but also helps me to keep this publication a sustainable side-project.

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